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Naming and Referencing

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Blueprint uses naming conventions to provide default names for objects and connections within a circuit diagram and also within the code generated from circuit definitions. 

Default Object Names

The default name applied to a particular primitive object is constructed from its base type and a number to ensure its name is unique within the definition:

  • {Object-type}Inst{Number}

e.g. TstInst1

Default Connection Names

The default connection name is based on the provider object name, the provider object type and a number to ensure its name is unique within the definition:

  • {Object-name}{Object-type}{Number}

e.g. TstInst1Tst1

Access Function Naming

The circuit translator produces access functions for each object that can be accessed from a method, thread, call-back function or interface.  These functions are given names that are constructed from the source label, the name of the connection to the object to be accessed and the string "Cxn":

  • {Source-label}_{Connection-name}Cxn

e.g. Trigger_TstInst1Tst1Cxn

When accessing objects/connections within the code Visual Studio editor it is useful to use the this pointer, as the Intellisense facility will provide a list of all of the objects and functions

When there are multiple connections to an object it is worth checking the connection name in the Properties window for the connection to ensure that you have the correct one. In some circumstances it may be worth renaming the connection to ensure that there is no confusion.